TEXIT Accelerator: Petition Scanning & Notarization

In this week’s TEXIT Accelerator, we’ll guide you through the best practices for scanning paper petitions, common mistakes to avoid, and the rules for notarizing your petitions. Whether you’re a seasoned volunteer or new to the process, this episode is packed with essential tips to ensure your petitions are processed smoothly. Source

TEXIT Accelerator: Ignite the Resolution Revolution for Texas Independence

Join us for this week’s TEXIT Accelerator Livestream, where we’ll delve into the “Resolution Revolution” campaign. Learn how county-level resolutions can put pressure on the Texas Legislature to give Texans the vote on independence they deserve. From understanding what a resolution is to building relationships with county officials, this episode is packed with actionable insights […]

The Conch Republic and Our Southern Border

Without a doubt, the relationship between Texas and the federal government is terminally broken. If you look at what’s happening at our southern border, it’s like a vinyl record waiting to get fixed, yet the Biden administration utterly neglects our national security. However, people are starting to wake up to reality. In today’s episode, we […]

Inside The SREC Resolutions Committee & TEXIT

In today’s episode, we break down the latest from the State Republican Executive Committee (SREC) and what happened with the most recent TEXIT resolution taken up by the committee this last weekend. We also discuss what’s revealed by TEXIT’s most outspoken opponents. First, we explain the foundations and groundwork of the SREC to illustrate why […]

J.D. Wilcox: Exploring Independence Through Film at TEXITCON 2023

We are pleased to announce that filmmaker J.D. Wilcox will be joining the roster of esteemed speakers at TEXITCON 2023. Hosted by the Texas Nationalist Movement, the conference gathers experts and thought leaders to discuss Texas independence, politics, and self-determination. The event is scheduled for November 9-12 in Waco, Texas. J.D. Wilcox is a seasoned […]

Senator Bob Hall: A Champion of Conservative Values to Speak at TEXITCON 2023

We are delighted to announce that Senator Bob Hall will be one of the distinguished speakers at TEXITCON 2023. Organized by the Texas Nationalist Movement, the conference aims to bring together top experts and influencers to discuss the future of Texas independence, politics, and self-determination. The event will take place from November 9-12 in Waco, […]

Weston Martinez: A Voice for Texas Values at TEXITCON 2023

We are excited to announce that Weston Martinez, a prominent conservative voice from San Antonio, Texas, will be among the distinguished speakers at TEXITCON 2023. Hosted by the Texas Nationalist Movement, the conference is a gathering of experts and thought leaders to discuss Texas independence, politics, and self-determination. The event will take place from November […]

The Battle of Gonzales – The Spark That Ignited the Texas Spirit

Today, we commemorate the Battle of Gonzales, a pivotal moment that encapsulates the essence of the Texas spirit—a spirit of resistance, independence, and unyielding resolve. As TEXIT supporters, this day is a vivid reminder of why our cause is just and why our fight continues. The Battle of Gonzales wasn’t just a military skirmish; it […]

TEXIT Accelerator: Mastering Objections and Building Confidence with the FUD Method

Join us for this week’s TEXIT Accelerator Livestream, where we’ll be diving deeper into handling objections and building confidence. We’ll recap last week’s discussion on the “Feel, Felt, Found” method and introduce the FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt) method. Learn how to navigate common objections and comments while confidently advocating for Texas independence. What You’ll Learn: […]


Daniel Miller, President of the Texas Nationalist Movement (TNM), is confirmed to speak at an upcoming event in Port Lavaca. The event is organized by the Republican Party of Calhoun County and aims to provide a platform for individuals interested in the Texas independence movement. This speaking engagement offers an opportunity for TEXIT supporters to […]